Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu Change In Weapon Law After Palestinian | Israel Gun Law: Israeli PM Netanyahu relaxed the arms law, said

Israel President Benjamin Netanyahu Change In Weapon Law After Palestinian |  Israel Gun Law: Israeli PM Netanyahu relaxed the arms law, said

Israeli Gun Law: Firing took place on Friday (January 27) near a place of worship in Neve Ya’akov, Israel’s capital Jerusalem. During this attack, 7 people were killed and 10 people were also badly injured. After this, the Netanyahu-ruled government in Israel has taken a big decision keeping in view the security of the people of the country.

Keeping in mind the security, the Israeli government has announced the relaxation of the law related to keeping weapons. Now people will be able to keep weapons for their own security. The Israeli government announced the decision to change the arms law late on Saturday (January 28).

will not be spared

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised the people of the country. He has warned that anyone who tries to harm the people of Israel even a little bit will not be spared. Along with this, Netanyahu will make the approval to keep the gun easier. Apart from this, those who have illegal weapons will be taken away from them at the earliest.

The mind of the country’s National Security Minister

According to a report by Aljazeera, it has been claimed that by relaxing the gun keeping law, cases related to violence may increase. On the other hand, a senior political analyst Marwan Bishra said that on the one hand, while Netanyahu has appealed people not to take the law into their hands after the attack, he has also relaxed the law on keeping arms. Such decisions will make the situation worse. The country’s National Security Minister Ben-Gvir is being told behind the decision to relax the gun keeping law. Earlier in 2018 also, the Israeli government had changed the gun keeping law. According to this, 5 lakh people were given permission to keep guns.

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